Power Positive Thinking
Message 'Learn the skills to enjoy life!' Chapter One -- Mind & Body Dynamics<< YOU'RE HERE Introduction What is Positive Thinking Mind & body dynamics GSR graph of body response Our mind permeates our entire body Dreamt of giant spider Spider in the room Spider in a dream The subconscious reponds to all thought Dreaming is important Interpret your dreams Spider in a dream Different languages of the conscious & subconscious The small child Don't think of an elephant Naughty, naughty Say clearly to yourself Mind interpreter Aspects of mind Old Habits Give yourself time to change Chapter One Summary Chapter Two -- Maximize your energy resources Fear is a trap! We have the power to change our circumstances now Simply by changing your thoughts Continually correct your thoughts Memory Memory is meant to be a resource Focus on what you can change The Present! Creativity Look at your life garden Emotion is what energizes the thought Energry Relax with ease States of Consciousness Make decisions in a relaxed state of mind Chapter Two Summary Chapter Three -- Power Positive Thinking Relaxation is the key Relaxation technique Become skilled at relaxation Relaxtion regenerates Power Thinking Skills Smell it, hear it, feel it The biggest pitfall people make Where your mind focuses becomes your reality Most resourceful & powerful resource on the planet
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